Bitter pit in apple fruit is due to |
Calcium deficiency in soil |
Blossom end rot is due to deficiency of |
Calcium |
Hollow heart in sugarbeet is due to deficiency of |
Boron |
Whiptail of cauliflower is due to |
Molybdenum dificiecy |
White bud of Corn (Maize) is due to deficiency of |
Zink deficiency |
Brittle leaf occurs due to deficiency of |
Ca (calcium) |
Deficiency appears as short inter nodes of plant |
Nitrogen |
Essentially of Boron is postulated by |
Warrington |
Die back of Citrus occurs due to |
Cu deficiency |
Downward cuping of leaf in Tobacco crop is due to |
Deficiency of S |
Burning of leaf also burning appearance of leaf due to |
Deficiency of K |
Complete interveinal chlorosis occurs due to |
Mn deficiency |
Crop having highest tolerance to Boron is |
Sugarbeet |
Deflocculation is occurs due to |
Sodium |
highest acidic soil found in state |
West Bengal |
Gypsum requirement is given by |
Schoonover |
Soil classification genetc system is given by |
V V Dokuchaiev |
The book "fundamentals of soil physics" is written by |
Hillel. D |
Five weathering stages given by |
Mohar Vanbaren |
Five type of soil factors are given by |
Jenny 1941 |
What is the first phase of soil formation |
Weathering |
Fertilizer prices committee was established in |
January 1976 |
First essential micro nutrient discovered |
Iron 1844 |
Essentiality of Zn and Cu given by |
Emmer 1924 |
Estimation available P in sodic soil is the process of |
Olsen method |
What is the percentage of Zn in zinc sulphate monohydrate |
35% |
Fertility gradient approach is given by |
B Ramamorthy |
Who is the father of Soil testing |
Troug |
Total main horizones in soil are |
5 |
Indicator plant of Cu |
Wheat |
Browning in cauliflower is du to |
Boron |