Agriculture engineering question answer for RHEO like exam


Agriculture engineering question answer for RHEO like exam :

Agriculture Questions and Answers


This page contains a list of agriculture-related questions and their corresponding answers. Click on each question to reveal the answer.

इस पृष्ठ में कृषि से संबंधित प्रश्नों और उनके संबंधित उत्तरों की एक सूची है। उत्तर प्रकट करने के लिए प्रत्येक प्रश्न पर क्लिक करें।

Agriculture Questions and Answers

Q1: Direct sowing in the harvested field is termed as?

Zero tillage

Q2: Which tape is used for the purpose of greater accuracy survey work?

Invar tape

Q3: Instrument which are used for the drop out perpendicular offset on the main survey line is?

Metallic tape & cross staff

Q4: The instrument which automatically registers the numbers of the paces?


Q5: A closed contour line with one or more higher ones inside it represents?

Hilly top

Q6: A closed contour line with one or more lower ones inside it represents a?


Q7: Fixed reference point of known elevation called as?

Bench mark

Q8: The vertical distance of a point above or below the datum is called?

Reduced level

Q9: The rod (level staff) reading taken on a point of known elevation called?

Back sight

Q10: The (level staff) rod reading taken on a point, the elevation of which is to be determined is called?

Fore sight

Q11: An intermittent point between the starting and the end points and denotes the shifting of the level called?

Change point

Q12: Give the designation to the scale 1/1000?


Q13: Passometer is used to measure?

No. of paces in a given distance

Q14: Self ignition or compression ignition engines are termed as?

Diesel Engine

Q15: Operated pressure of power sprayer?

>55 kg/cm2

Q16: Single cylinder OHC uses which method of cooling system?

Air cooling

Q17: Wind erosion is common in?

Arid & semi arid

Q18: Contour bunds are adopted in region of?

High rainfall

Q19: The shaft which raises and lowers the inlet and exhaust valves at proper time?

Cam shaft

Q20: Soil degradation takes place due to?

Accelerated erosion

Q21: The most harmful vibration frequency for a human being is?

1 to 20 Hz

Q22: The lateral stability of four wheel tractor in a turning situation can be increased by?

Increasing the radius of the turn

Q23: In an epicyclic gear speed reduction unit, the ratio of the number of teeth of the annular gear to sun gear is?


Q24: The toe-in provided in a tractor is approximately?

7mm to 10 mm

Q25: The calorific value of HSD is?

10550 kcal/kg

Q26: The amount of liquid required for spraying plantation crop is?

600-800 lit/ha

Q27: More spraying pressure results in?

Reduction of droplet size

Q28: Air blast sprayer is used for?


Q29: Knapsack sprayer is suitable for?

Brushes (झाड़ियां), Row crop, Small trees

Q30: The solid cone nozzle is used for?

Weedicides application

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