Fathers of Different Disciplines || important post for agriculture horticulture
Fathers of Different Disciplines:
In various fields of science, agriculture, and social sciences, pioneers have laid the foundation for future advancements. They are often referred to as the "fathers" of their respective disciplines due to their groundbreaking contributions.
Key Figures and Their Contributions father of various fields pioneer of :
1. Agronomy:
Father : Pietro Decrescenzi
2. Agro Meteorology:
Father: D. N. Walia
3. Agricultural Chemistry:
Father: Justus von Liebig
4. Bacteriology:
Father: Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
5. Biochemistry:
Father: Justus von Liebig
6. Cooperative Movement in India:
Father: F. Nicholson
7. Extension Education:
Father: A. Seaman / Leagans
8. Experimental Genetics:
Father: Thomas Hunt Morgan
9. Field Plot Experiment:
Father: J. B. Boussingault
10. Fruit and Vegetable Preservation:
Father: M. Nicholas Apart
11. Genetics:
Father: Gregor Johann Mendel
12. Green Revolution:
Father: Dr. Norman E. Borlaug
13. Green Revolution in India:
Father: Dr. M. S. Swaminathan
14. Golden Revolution in India:
Father: Dr. K. C. Chadha
15. Golden Rice:
Father: Dr. Ingo Potrykus
16. Hybrid Rice:
Father: Yuan Long Ping
17. Hybrid Cotton:
Father: C. T. Patel
18. Indian Plant Pathology:
Father: E. J. Butler
19. Indian Rust Research:
Father: Dr. K. C. Mehta
20. Microbiology:
Father: Louis Pasteur
21. Modern Genetics:
Father: Thomas Hunt Morgan
22. Mutation Theory:
Father: Hugo de Vries
23. Ornamental Gardening:
Father: M. S. Randhawa
24. Plant Pathology:
Father: Anton de Bary
25. Plant Physiology:
Father: Stephen Hales
26. Pedology (Soil Science):
Father: V. V. Dokuchaev
27. Plant Tissue Culture:
Father: G. Haberlandt
28. Sociology:
Father: Auguste Comte
29. Statistics:
Father: R. A. Fisher
30. Soil Microbiology:
Father: S. N. Winogradsky
31. Super Rice:
Father: Dr. G. H. Khush
32. Tillage and Weeds:
Father: Jethro Tull
33. White Revolution:
Father: Dr. Verghese Kurien
Significance of These Contributions
The efforts of these pioneers have profoundly impacted their respective disciplines, fostering innovation, development, and progress.
Their contributions continue to serve as a foundation for modern science, agriculture, and societal advancements.
By recognizing these figures, we honor the legacy of their work and its ongoing influence.