Top most question for Agriculture engineering for Rheo , teacher, vyapam preparation


 Top most question for Agriculture engineering for Rheo , teacher, vyapam preparation:

Agriculture Questions and Answers


इस पृष्ठ में कृषि से संबंधित प्रश्नों और उनके संबंधित उत्तरों की एक सूची है। उत्तर प्रकट करने के लिए प्रत्येक प्रश्न पर क्लिक करें।

This page contains a list of agriculture-related questions and their corresponding answers. Click on each question to reveal the answer.

Agriculture Questions and Answers

Q1: The average force that a bullock can exert is 1/10th of their?

Body weight

Q2: Northern Region arm Machinery Training and Testing Institute is located at?


Q3: The velocity required to operate wind mill is more than of?

10 km/hour

Q4: When ploughing one hectare of land once by bullocks having 15 cm furrow width, how much distance (in km) is covered?

66 km

Q5: Tractor rotavator saves time and energy (%) to the extent in heavy soil about?


Q6: Most of the farmers use threshers, which are operated by?

5-12 HP

Q7: Southern Region Farm Machinery Training and Testing Institute is located at?

Anantapur (A.P.)

Q8: The width of landside is taken as one third of throat width of share of which agricultural tool?

Plough bottom

Q9: Which type of force acting on mould board plough are Draft, Side draft and?

Vertical component

Q10: The width of cut of disc plough is given by?

W = Dd / 3

Q11: Central Farm Machinery Training and Testing Institute is located at?

Sehore (M.P.)

Q12: The tractor-drawn rotavator is specially designed for wetland cultivation in which crop?

Paddy crop

Q13: Which types of tynes are used in rotavator?

‘L’ shaped

Q14: Harvesting and threshing consumes the total energy (%) for farming about?


Q15: Under NFSM (National Food Security Mission) for Sprinkler set for pulses and wheat, what is its cost per hectare?


Q16: Northern Eastern Region Farm Machinery Training and Testing Institute is located at?

Sonitpur (Assam)

Q17: The Gunter chain is 66 ft long and is divided into 100 links each of?

0.66 ft

Q18: The speed of the belt conveyor during the transportation of grains should not be more than?

10 to 13 m/s

Q19: Which seeding and fertilizer application equipment’s is developed by CCSHAU, Hisar?

Tractor drawn planter

Q20: Prototype of zero till fertilizer drill machine in India was first developed at?


Q21: Indigenous plough is?

Multi-purpose tool

Q22: Central Institute for Agricultural Engineering (CIAE) is located at?


Q23: In disc plough the angle at which the plane of cutting edge of disc is inclined to the direction of travel is?

Tilt angle

Q24: The wind mill suitable for water falling is?

Multiple blade type

Q25: The spike tooth harrows are used mainly for?

Surface finishing

Q26: The term furrel is associated with?


Q27: A bullock drawn implement have Lower speed and lower?

Working capacity

Q28: The top portion of turned furrow slice is?


Q29: The gang angle of disc harrow is adjusted in the range of?


Q30: The seeding behind plough is done by device is known as?


Q31: The MB plough works on the principles of?


Q32: Implement mostly used for intercultural operation is?

Junior hoe

Q33: Renewable source of energy is?


Q34: A wheel used for maintaining uniform depth of ploughing in different soil is?

Gauge wheel

Q35: Central Soil and Water Conservation Research and Training Institute is located at?


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