Top most question for Agriculture engineering for Rheo , teacher, vyapam preparation
Top most question for Agriculture engineering for Rheo , teacher, vyapam preparation:
इस पृष्ठ में कृषि से संबंधित प्रश्नों और उनके संबंधित उत्तरों की एक सूची है। उत्तर प्रकट करने के लिए प्रत्येक प्रश्न पर क्लिक करें।
This page contains a list of agriculture-related questions and their corresponding answers. Click on each question to reveal the answer.
Agriculture Questions and Answers
Q1: The average force that a bullock can exert is 1/10th of their?
Body weight
Q2: Northern Region arm Machinery Training and Testing Institute is located at?
Q3: The velocity required to operate wind mill is more than of?
10 km/hour
Q4: When ploughing one hectare of land once by bullocks having 15 cm furrow width, how much distance (in km) is covered?
66 km
Q5: Tractor rotavator saves time and energy (%) to the extent in heavy soil about?
Q6: Most of the farmers use threshers, which are operated by?
5-12 HP
Q7: Southern Region Farm Machinery Training and Testing Institute is located at?
Anantapur (A.P.)
Q8: The width of landside is taken as one third of throat width of share of which agricultural tool?
Plough bottom
Q9: Which type of force acting on mould board plough are Draft, Side draft and?
Vertical component
Q10: The width of cut of disc plough is given by?
W = Dd / 3
Q11: Central Farm Machinery Training and Testing Institute is located at?
Sehore (M.P.)
Q12: The tractor-drawn rotavator is specially designed for wetland cultivation in which crop?
Paddy crop
Q13: Which types of tynes are used in rotavator?
‘L’ shaped
Q14: Harvesting and threshing consumes the total energy (%) for farming about?
Q15: Under NFSM (National Food Security Mission) for Sprinkler set for pulses and wheat, what is its cost per hectare?
Q16: Northern Eastern Region Farm Machinery Training and Testing Institute is located at?
Sonitpur (Assam)
Q17: The Gunter chain is 66 ft long and is divided into 100 links each of?
0.66 ft
Q18: The speed of the belt conveyor during the transportation of grains should not be more than?
10 to 13 m/s
Q19: Which seeding and fertilizer application equipment’s is developed by CCSHAU, Hisar?
Tractor drawn planter
Q20: Prototype of zero till fertilizer drill machine in India was first developed at?
Q21: Indigenous plough is?
Multi-purpose tool
Q22: Central Institute for Agricultural Engineering (CIAE) is located at?
Q23: In disc plough the angle at which the plane of cutting edge of disc is inclined to the direction of travel is?
Tilt angle
Q24: The wind mill suitable for water falling is?
Multiple blade type
Q25: The spike tooth harrows are used mainly for?
Surface finishing
Q26: The term furrel is associated with?
Q27: A bullock drawn implement have Lower speed and lower?
Working capacity
Q28: The top portion of turned furrow slice is?
Q29: The gang angle of disc harrow is adjusted in the range of?
Q30: The seeding behind plough is done by device is known as?
Q31: The MB plough works on the principles of?
Q32: Implement mostly used for intercultural operation is?
Junior hoe
Q33: Renewable source of energy is?
Q34: A wheel used for maintaining uniform depth of ploughing in different soil is?
Gauge wheel
Q35: Central Soil and Water Conservation Research and Training Institute is located at?