Some most important question related to green peas || MCQ on peas

 Leafless variety of peas, green peas MCQ question :

1. What is the botanical name of the field pea?

Answer: Pisum sativum var. hortense, Pisum sativum var. arvense

2. To which family does the pea belong?

Answer: Leguminaceae

3. What is the chromosome number of the pea?

Answer: 2n = 14

4. What is the origin of the pea plant?

Answer: Ethiopia

5. What type of germination is found in peas?

Answer: Hypogeal

6. What is the recommended spacing (in cm) for pea plants?

Answer: 30 × 10-20 cm

7. Pea plants are:

a) Self-pollinated

b) C3 plants

c) Day-neutral plants

d) All of the above

Answer: d) All of the above

8. Which type of root system is found in peas?

Answer: Taproot

9. What is the protein percentage in peas?

Answer: 22.5%

10. What percentage of tender pods contain protein?

Answer: 7.2%

11. How much fat is present in peas?

Answer: 1.8%

12. What is the carbohydrate percentage in peas?

Answer: 62.1%

13. What is the fruit of the pea plant called?

Answer: Pod

14. What is the edible portion of the pea?

Answer: Fleshy and tender seeds

15. What is the local name for the flower of the pea plant?

Answer: Kheel

16. What is the shelling percentage of peas?

Answer: 49%

17. Which crop is most suitable for canning?

Answer: Pea

18. Which is the third most important cool-season crop after chickpea and French bean?

Answer: Pea

19. What is the crop duration (in days) for peas?

Answer: 110-140 days

20. What is the water requirement for pea crops?

Answer: 30

21. What is the recommended sowing time for peas in the north-west plains?

Answer: End of October

22. What is the sowing time for peas in the north-east plains?

Answer: Second fortnight of November

23. What is the seed rate for peas?

Answer: 80-100 kg/ha (For vegetable: 100-120 kg/ha)

24. Gregor Mendel conducted his experiments on which crop?

Answer: Garden Pea

25. Field pea seeds are ___ than garden pea seeds:

a) Larger

b) Smaller

Answer: b) Smaller

26. Wrinkled seeded varieties are ___ sweeter than smooth-seeded ones:

a) Less

b) More

Answer: b) More

27. At what percentage of moisture should pea seeds be stored?

Answer: 8-10%

28. Training or stacking is an important cultural operation in tall varieties of which crop?

Answer: Pea

29. Name a leafless variety of pea.

Answer: Aparna

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